ARNEC Resources

ARNEC Resources contains a wealth of documents pertaining to various programmes. This space will keep on growing. Browse through the library to access key publications.
Annual Reports
ARNEC Connections, ARNEC Conversations
Creative collaterals
Evidence/ Policy Briefs and Infographic
Multimedia (e.g. Videos, Presentations)
Year of publication
Type of document

Guiding parents to play at home: Home-based ECCD program in the Philippines

Khara Uy and Edwin Taleon describes how the Home-based ECCD Program of the ECCD Council was adjusted to introduce responsive caregiving behaviours.

Integrating technology to improve distance learning opportunities and screening services for caregivers of 0-3 children in Bhutan during the COVID-19 pandemic

Karma Dyenka of Save the Children explains how technology was harnessed to improve distance learning for caregivers and health assistants and provide screening 

Playful parenting in a pandemic: pathways to scale for global programs

The LEGO Foundation shares insights on how it fostered program adjustment in Bhutan, Guatemala, Rwanda, Serbia, and Zambia

COP28 ECD Climate

A package of ECD-Climate resources for world leaders and advocates

Philippines: Climate Change for Young Children. Micro Research.

Building on the joint scoping study with support from Early Opportunities, we have since supported micro research 4 countries in Bhutan, India, Pakistan, and the Philippine